=> I’ll teach you two fav “unlock” models
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Hey Chris,

You might know the founding story of Southwest Airlines. Herb Kelleher, then lawyer and later SWA’s iconic CEO, sketched out the idea for a new type of airline on the back of a cocktail napkin.

It doesn’t look like much.

But it changed everything.

I’m a bit of a napkin guy myself. In fact the first iteration of my book Do More Great Work was called Find Your Great Work, and its 12 self-help tools were all sketched out on the back of napkins. 

Even today, if I’m preparing a new keynote or webinar or book or teaching moment, I’m not writing at first … I’m drawing.

Beyond questions

Now you know I love questions. LOVE them. I’ve collected them for decades now, and through The Coaching Habit and other books have built my reputation on the back of the ones I’ve shone a spotlight on.

But when I’m in a coaching conversation, I know that my questions are just one part of my repertoire. 

The other part is pen and paper, so I can sketch out a model or a tool, a framework to help people make a brave choice, or untangle a mess, or tease apart a nuanced understanding.

I’m teaching two powerful frameworks. Join me?

Of the dozens (maybe even hundreds) of frameworks I’ve created, I’m going to teach you two that will help you unlock the power of the tools in The Coaching Habit.

And it’s easy to get access.

But I’m teaching more than that

As part of a push to bump sales of The Coaching Habit this week, I’m offering three fabulous and new teachings in June to anyone who buys a copy of TCH before midnight on Monday May 20th.

Three live webinars with me in June …

The first webinar on the two permissions that help me be more coach-like, more present, more helpful.

The second webinar on two frameworks that I use to help people see the world differently and be more focused and courageous in the work they do and the life they live.

The third is a no-holds-barred Q&A with me, when I’ll answer as many questions as I can to help you unlock the potential of The Coaching Habit, and more importantly YOU using the tools of TCH.

I’ll also be doing two live coaching demos, so you get to see me practice what I preach.

Less than $20 for three new live sessions with me. Sound good?

Next steps are easy:


Pow! See you soon, I hope.

You’re awesome and you’re doing great,

Michael Bungay Stanier

PS — Register, and you’ll also be in the running to win a (rare, coveted) chance to be coached by me.

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